- Web Albums. Picassa is my favorite. There are others though. Read some reviews on them , choose one, and go for it! The huge pro for this one is that your photos won't get lost if something were to happen to your computer. An this is the cheapest option.
- CDs. I used to back up all my pics on CDs in the event that my computer ever crashed or got stolen. The thought of losing all my pics kept me up all night. Now they are all backed up online. But, if you're not going to do that, CD's are an option. Just put them in a fire proof safe in the event of a fire.
- Good old fashioned albums! There's something comforting about having the hard copy of things. Pictures are the same. So, if you print those pictures off your camera, be sure to stick them in the album right away...otherwise, they collect and become an overwhelming mess to deal with later on.
- Back them up! I still recommend to have a web album or CD of your photos even if you plan on printing them all and putting them into albums. Imagine how tragic it would be to have a fire or flood and lose all those sweet memories. I know it's a lot of work and hopefully it will be a waste of your time. But if something does happen, you will be grateful for the backup photos.
- Tips:
- Don't feel like you have to do the project in one sitting. Break it up so it's more manageable and fun.
- Toss any that are blurry, too dark, too light, or are doubles. Be picky about the pictures you put into the album. You really don't need 25 pictures of your daughter swinging at the park. Choose the best ones and either toss the rest, mail them to family members, or store them in a box.
- Label them - be sure to use an appropiate pen if you write on the back of the pictures. Don't forget to label the album binding. I have 5-6 photo albums on my shelf that I have to take them all down and look through them to find the event I want. If I had labeled them, it would be easy to pull the correct album the first time.
- Don't get albums that stick. After several years, it may be hard to get your photos out should you desire. Get the ones that slide in a plastic sleeve.
- Sort them:
- either by date or by category (nature, family, pets, etc.)
Good luck with organizing your photographs!